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Determinants of Breast Shape and Symmetry in Identical Twins

Rodrigo A. Iglesias, MBA, MS Mengyuan T. Liu, BS Sahil Sekhon, BA Hooman T. Soltanian, MD, FACS
Case Medical Center

Presenter: Rodrigo A. Iglesias

I estimate that I, Rodrigo Iglesias, have done about 60% of the work, including acquiring the data, developing the statistical models, and analyzing the results.

Director Name: Hooman Soltanian, MD, FACS

Author Category: Medical Student
Presentation Category: Clinical
Abstract Category: Breast (Aesthetic and Recon.)

Background: Breast shape and symmetry are influenced by both genetic and environmental factors. This study aims to quantify, in a genetically controlled population of monozygotic twins, and through objective breast measurements, how various exogenous factors affect breast shape and symmetry.
Methods: Between 2009 and 2011, 176 identical female twin pairs (n=352) were recruited. Digital photographs of each subject's breasts were obtained and measured in a standardized fashion. Each twin also independently completed a questionnaire with her personal, medical, and exogenous exposure history. Symmetry between breast height, width, and areolar area were determined as well as indices for nipple ptosis, glandular ptosis, and projection. Multivariate linear regression was used to determine the effects of the exogenous factors on breast shape and symmetry.
Results: We found that the twin with larger body mass index (BMI) had significantly decreased breast height symmetry (p<0.028). The twin with increased smoking duration had significantly increased nipple ptosis (p<0.046). The post-menopausal twin had significantly decreased breast height symmetry (p<0.027). The twin with increased breastfeeding duration had significantly increased breast height symmetry (p<0.015).
Conclusions: Exogenous factors can significantly influence the shape and symmetry of the breast. While higher BMI, smoking, and menopause negatively influenced breast shape and symmetry, breastfeeding significantly improved breast symmetry.

Ohio,Pennsylvania,West Virginia,Indiana,Kentucky,Pennsylvania American Society of Plastic Surgeons

OVSPS Conference