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Non-Structural Fat: Efficiency of Mechanical Dissociation Techniques for Clinical Practice

Shawn Loder, MD; Phoebe Lee, BS; Patricia Leftwich; MS; Wayne Nerone, BA; Kacey Marra, PhD; Lauren Kokai, PhD, and J. Peter Rubin, MD
University of Pittsburgh

Presenter: Shawn Loder


Director Name: Vu T. Nguyen, MD

Author Category: Resident Plastic Surgery
Presentation Category: Basic Science Research
Abstract Category: Aesthetics

Mechanical dissociation of adipose allows us to non-enzymatically generate a stem-cell rich, non-structural emulsion for intra-dermal injection in superficial or attenuated skin. Several techniques exist to generate non-structural fat; however, it is unknown how they compare in operative efficiency. Here we examine three of the most common techniques currently in practice and assess the relative efficacy of each paradigm.

Lipoaspirate from body contouring procedures was obtained as discarded tissue under IRB exemption. Tissue was either maintained as a lipoaspirate control or mechanically dissociated by: A) Inter-syringe Dissociation (1.0 mm aperture); B) Graded Meshing (coarse, moderate, fine steel mesh), C) Percussive Dissociation (bead milling) prior to a final filtration step through nanotransfer chamber.

Fractional oil release was utilized as a proxy for lysis of mature adipocytes. Oil release increased significantly with inter-syringe and percussive dissociation but not meshing (p<0.05). Stromal entrapment during filtration was significantly lower after inter-syringe dissociation. Samples were digested to assess viability. At day zero no significant differences were noted. By day one, significant decrease in cell survival noted with inter-syringe dissociation (p<0.05). Over 12 days, however, proliferation in inter-syringe and percussive-dissociation groups outpaced control and meshing (p<0.05).

Our data suggests that while effective fractionation may be generated by each of the available techniques to generate non-structural fat there are significant difference in per volume efficiency, yield, and stromal purification between each. This is critical data to the surgeon who must choose which of these characteristics is most desired for their given clinical need.

Ohio,Pennsylvania,West Virginia,Indiana,Kentucky,Pennsylvania American Society of Plastic Surgeons

OVSPS Conference