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Efficacy of PECS Block in Transgender Chest Masculinization Surgery

Renee Barry, MD Micheline Goulart, MD Maria Huayllani, MD Taborah Zaramo, BS Kerry-Ann Mitchell, MD-PhD
The Ohio State University

Presenter: Renee Barry, MD

The project represents the original work of the residents in its entirety

Director Name: Greg Pearson, MD

Author Category: Resident Plastic Surgery
Presentation Category: Clinical
Abstract Category: Breast (Aesthetic and Recon.)

Gender dysphoria is estimated to affect 0.6% of the population in the United States and 0.5% of the population worldwide.1 Nonnarcotic post-operative pain control is particularly important in this population as research supports that they are already at increased risk of substance use.2 While there is current literature supporting the use of pectoralis muscle blocks for post-operative pain control in cancer mastectomy patients, there is little to none on the use in Female-to-Male (FtM) top surgery patients. Although the pathologies in these two populations are different, their treatments employ similar surgical techniques, which would indicate pectoralis muscle blocks may also be of benefit in FtM top surgery patients.

A literature review of published studies describing the use or efficacy of PECS block in transgender chest masculinization surgery was conducted. PubMed database was searched with no pertinent studies found. Subsequently, a retrospective chart review of transgender male patients was performed in an IRB approved study with data currently being gathered.

Final data analysis is underway to determine the efficacy of PECS block in post-operative pain control in FtM top surgery patients from retrospective review. Future directions will include a prospective, randomized control trial.

Ohio,Pennsylvania,West Virginia,Indiana,Kentucky,Pennsylvania American Society of Plastic Surgeons

OVSPS Conference