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Intraoperative Techniques to Improve Symmetry in Breast Reductions

Sydni Meunier, MD Amy Kite, MD Daniel Luppens, MD
University of Cincinnati Medical Center

Presenter: Sydni Meunier

I certify that the material proposed for this presentation has not been published in an journal or previously presented at a major meeting.

Director Name: Ann Schwentker

Author Category: Resident Plastic Surgery
Presentation Category: Clinical
Abstract Category: Breast (Aesthetic and Recon.)

Breast reduction provides a decrease in neck pain, infections, grooving, and improved cosmesis. Natural breast asymmetry, variations in skin and breast quality, and areolar size can make achieving symmetrical breasts with reduction challenging. Patients' goals are reduction in symptoms and aesthetically symmetric breasts. We have developed easily implementable intraoperative techniques to improve symmetry in breast reductions.

The authors' proposed technique provides surgeons with another method to improve intraoperative breast symmetry. After a standard breast reduction is performed, the incisions are temporarily stapled and the patient elevated into a seated position. A dampened lap is placed across both breasts and depressed at midline simulating a "sweetheart neckline". Attention is brought to the superior pole, breast height, and overall shape. A silk stitch is placed at the sternal notch and used to measure sternal notch to nipple symmetry. Patient returns to supine and further adjustments are performed for improved symmetry.

Using these novel techniques with the wet lap and new method to measure sternal notch to nipple distance improves symmetry with breast reduction. Breast reduction shape can be adjusted using these methods to improve superior pole volume and appearance in clothes. Patients have achieved high satisfaction with this technique.

The wet lap and sternal notch to nipple technique provide an easy, cheap, reproducible method to improve breast symmetry in breast reduction. Patients achieve a more cosmetically appealing outcome. Intraoperatively these techniques improve the symmetrical appearance of the superior pole and overall shape of the breasts with wearing clothes.

Ohio,Pennsylvania,West Virginia,Indiana,Kentucky,Pennsylvania American Society of Plastic Surgeons

OVSPS Conference