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Patient Satisfaction And Clinical Determinants Of Patient Satisfaction After Nipple-areola Reconstruction

Michael Bykowski, Patrick Emelife, Nancy Emelife, Nicholas Panetta, Carolyn de la Cruz
University of Pittsburgh, Department of Plastic Surgery

Presenter: Michael Bykowski

The work was primarily the work of the presenter.

Director Name: Joseph Losee

Author Category: Resident Plastic Surgery
Presentation Category: Clinical
Abstract Category: Breast (Aesthetic and Recon.)

INTRODUCTION: Nipple-areola complex (NAC) reconstruction is viewed by many surgeons as the final step in breast reconstruction, yet not all women choose to have the procedure. The benefit of NAC reconstruction has been controversial. This study assesses patient satisfaction with NAC reconstruction, identifies the contribution of NAC reconstruction to the patients' psychosocial and sexual well-being, and evaluates clinical factors that influence patient satisfaction.

METHODS: A retrospective review was conducted for all female patients who underwent NAC reconstruction (at least 6 months after completion of breast mound reconstruction) from January 2004 to July 2011. Questionnaires were sent to patients who agreed to participate asking them to rate their overall satisfaction with breast and nipple reconstruction, as well as psychosocial and sexual well-being before and after reconstruction.

RESULTS: Of the 328 women who were mailed the survey, 107 patients (32.6%) completed and submitted the survey. Improvements in sexual well-being were most markedly increased compared to any other survey category. On average, patients responded with a rating of 3.09 (out of 5) to sexual well-being-related questions before NAC reconstruction and 3.65 after. The most marked improvement in sexual well-being was found in the frequency of feeling sexually attractive when unclothed – rating of 2.57 before NAC reconstruction and 3.32. Likewise, patients also reported improvements in frequency of feeling confident sexually about how breast(s) look unclothed – rating of 2.67 before NAC reconstruction and 3.38.

CONCLUSIONS: Our study indicates that NAC reconstruction contributes significantly to patient psychosocial and sexual satisfaction after breast reconstruction.

Ohio,Pennsylvania,West Virginia,Indiana,Kentucky,Pennsylvania American Society of Plastic Surgeons

OVSPS Conference