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The Reconstructive and Regenerative Medicine Area of Concentration: A Four-Year, Interdisciplinary, Paracurricular Certificate Program

Nicolás M Kass, Lucille Cheng, Fritz Steuer, Joseph Mocharnuck, Mark Kubik, Johannes Plate, Paul Rusilko, Francesco Egro, Mario Solari, Kacey Marra, J. Peter Rubin

Presenter: Nicolás Kass

Vu Nguyen

Director Name: Vu Nguyen

Author Category: Medical Student
Presentation Category: Clinical
Abstract Category: General Reconstruction

Reconstructive surgery and regenerative medicine exist at the intersection of multiple surgical specialties but remain the primary focus of plastic surgery. In order to offer to potential applicants career mentorship and technical training, we present an overview, analysis, and means of collaboration for a novel four-year paracurricular academic program for medical students.

A steering committee, chaired by two plastic surgery faculty, was created including representatives from each of the following specialties: plastics, orthopedics, urology and ENT. A curriculum centered around concurrent skill-building and professional development was created. Events were designed to deepen students' understanding of the contributions of each specialty to reconstructive and regenerative medicine, as well as increase their competitiveness for residency application.

52 students have enrolled, 18 interested in plastic surgery, 16 interested in orthopedic surgery, 13 interested in otolaryngology – head and neck surgery, and 5 interested in urology. Students are paired with a faculty mentor to provide longitudinal career support, required to complete a minimum of one longitudinal research project, report on shadowing experiences, attend monthly events, journal clubs, and grand rounds. Didactic and workshop topics have included wound healing/care, microsurgery, osseus neoplasm resection and reconstruction, incision closure principles, and limb splinting/casting.

We demonstrate success in the creation of a novel and highly collaborative program that increases medical student interest in reconstructive surgery, enhances fundamental knowledge and skills, and provides a pathway to increase competitiveness in the residency match process. Our first cohort is set to match and graduate this year.

Ohio,Pennsylvania,West Virginia,Indiana,Kentucky,Pennsylvania American Society of Plastic Surgeons

OVSPS Conference