All Abstracts
Listing 1441 - 1460 of 1827 results
- Smoking and its Complications Generate Additional Healthcare Charges Following Outpatient Plastic Surgery Procedures (2015)
- Smoldering Multiple Myeloma Improvement Following Textured Breast Implant Removal (2020)
- Snowblower Injuries to the Hand: Epidemiology, Patterns of Injury, and Strategies for Prevention (2010)
- Social Determinants of Health in Limb Salvage for Patients with Diabetic Lower Extremity Wounds (2023)
- Social Media and the practice of Aesthetic Surgery in a major teaching hospital. (2019)
- Social Support Correlates with Self Image and Maintenance of Weight Loss Following Body Contouring Procedures (2023)
- Socioeconomic and Racial Disparities in Pediatric Craniofacial Trauma (2023)
- Socioeconomic Status, Race, and Geography in Adolescent Gender-Affirming Mastectomy (2022)
- Soft tissue reconstruction in patients with hemifacial microsomia: review of the literature (2018)
- Spare parts reconstruction of complex external hemipelvectomy defects (2010)
- Speech Outcomes Do Not Revert Following Posterior Pharyngeal Flap Takedown for Obstructive Sleep Apnea (2013)
- Speech Outcomes Following Clinically Indicated Posterior Pharyngeal Flap Takedown (2014)
- Speech, Language and Cognitive Delays in Patients with Non-Syndromic Craniosynostosis (2015)
- Split Latissimus Dorsi Transfer as a Novel Approach for Upper Extremity Wound Coverage and Restoration of Function: A Case Report (2021)
- Split Thickness Skin Graft Meshing: The True Mesh Ratio (2020)
- Spontaneous mid-substance FDP rupture (2021)
- Spontaneous upper extremity compartment syndrome (2015)
- Spray Skin Regenerative Therapy in Combination with a Dermal Regenerate Matrix for Restoration of Full-Thickness Cutaneous Oncologic Defects of the Face (2024)
- Squamosal Suture Synostisis: An Unrecognized Phenomenon (2017)
- Staged Augmentation After Abdominal Free Flap Breast Reconstruction. (2015)
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