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Implementation of a Professional Coaching Program in Plastic Surgery Residency Training
Elizabeth A. Moroni, MD MHA1; Anne E. Glenney, BA2; Joseph Mocharnuk, BA2; Francesco Egro, MD1; Jesse A. Goldstein, MD2; Joseph E. Losee, MD2; Vu Nguyen, MD1
Presenter: Elizabeth A. Moroni, MD MHA
Vu Nguyen
Director Name: Vu Nguyen
Author Category: Resident Plastic Surgery
Presentation Category: Clinical
Abstract Category: General Reconstruction
Coaching, which is distinguished from other educational interventions in that it is learner-centered, initiated, and driven, involves a collaborative relationship between coaches and coached individuals, and is valuable for clinical skills development. The purpose of this study is to detail our institutions' experience with plastic surgery resident professional coaching.
Since its implementation in 2021, our Department of Plastic Surgery has offered professional coaching services to all residents between PGY-1 and PGY-5. This program emphasizes problem identification, realistic and relevant goal setting, alternative solutions generation, and targeting of feasible solutions to clinical or professional problems that arise. Furthermore, frequent performance reviews encourage self-reflection using facilitated feedback tailored to the trainee's needs and goals.
Professional coaching offers a structured framework for surgical skills development. Of the fifteen integrated residents in PGY 1-5 at our institution, fourteen (93%) have availed themselves of professional coaching services. Ten residents (71%) have participated in multiple coaching sessions to establish longitudinal coaching relationships. Coaching topics range based on the PGY-level: PGY1s focus on transition to training, PGY2-4s focus on defining their professional path and future training plans, and PGY4-6s emphasize the resident to fellow/attending transition. Residents report that coaching helped them create actionable plans to meet long-term professional goals such as fellowship and job attainment.
Though just a year-old, our individualized coaching service for residents is a valuable tool for surgical and professional development. We have found this program to be an integral component of our Competency-Based Medical Education model of training.