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What Do Plastic Surgeons Get Called for Overnight When Not on Hand or Face Call?

Nikhi Paul Singh MD, MBA, Melissa Cullom MD, Raj Chowdhury MD, William Wooden MD
Division of Plastic Surgery, Department of Surgery, Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN

Presenter: Nikhi Paul Singh MD, MBA

This piece if the original work of Nikhi Singh

Director Name: William Wooden MD

Author Category: Resident Plastic Surgery
Presentation Category: Clinical
Abstract Category: General Reconstruction

Plastic surgery encompasses the entire body and surgeons are required to manage common post-operative complaints and general consults. Within we review the overnight calls received not applicable to hand, face, or adult burn calls.

IRB exemption was obtained and call sign outs from July to December 2022 were reviewed. Calls regarding hand, face, or adults burn consults were excluded. Data included patient demographic information, injuries, procedures performed, and estimated time per call. Chi squared tests determined significance.

Across 116 distinct overnight calls reviewed, 106 days contained general plastic surgery calls for a total of 357 calls. Most commonly, calls surrounded post-operative issues (26%) including infection (9%) and wound dehiscence (5%). A total of 44 consults were received for burn, 32 in-patient consults, and 17 free standing emergency room consults.. An estimated 210 hours was spent evaluating and treating. A total of 26 procedures were performed and 12 patients required operations overnight.

Calls regarding post-operative infection (p=0.002) and dehiscence (p=0.04) were more likely to be seen in patients aged 30 and older compared to those younger than 30. Post-operative infection (p<0.001) and dehiscence (p=0.007) calls were more likely in females than compared to males, while calls for inpatient consults were more likely to be male (p<0.001).

At our institution, post-operative concerns largely contribute to general plastic surgery call. Older and female patients appear to have a higher rate of overnight consultation postoperatively.

Ohio,Pennsylvania,West Virginia,Indiana,Kentucky,Pennsylvania American Society of Plastic Surgeons

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