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Trends in Clinical Attire of Plastic Surgeons: A Social Media Based Analysis

Vardhan S. Avasarala, BS; Sanjay K.A. Jinka, BS; Ananth S. Murthy, MD, FACS
Northeast Ohio Medical University

Presenter: Vardhan S Avasarala

The project planning, data collection, data analysis, and abstract writing were all completed by all authors. This is an original work that has not been published or presented elsewhere.

Director Name: Ananth Murthy

Author Category: Medical Student
Presentation Category: Clinical
Abstract Category: Aesthetics

Introduction: Physician attire on social media can impact patient perceptions of professionalism, competency, and trustworthiness. Plastic surgeons have rapidly adopted social media and seen a large return on investment in terms of educating and recruiting patients. Although social media is increasingly integrated into plastic surgery practice, there is little data on the attire surgeons portray themselves in online.
Methods: Public Instagram accounts were identified by searching #PlasticSurgery and including board-certified plastic surgeons based in the United States. Three pictures per surgeon per year (2018 - 2022) in non-OR clinical settings were randomly selected. Attire was categorized as scrubs, professional clothing, or business casual. The use of a white coat along with the geographic region (West, Midwest, Southwest, Southeast, and Northeast) was also recorded.
Results: In total, 420 pictures (28 surgeons, 25 males/3 females) were reviewed. ANOVA testing revealed significant (p<0.05) differences over time with a trend toward decreased white coat and increased scrub use over the last 5 years. Geographical differences were noted, including an increase in white coat use in 2022 among western-based surgeons when compared to other geographic regions.
Conclusion: Plastic surgeons looking to maintain an Instagram presence may consider posting in scrubs and no white coat versus traditional professional clinic attire to be aligned with modern social media trends. Further study is necessary to understand how these trends continue to evolve and what impact the pandemic may have had on plastic surgeons' clinical attire.

Ohio,Pennsylvania,West Virginia,Indiana,Kentucky,Pennsylvania American Society of Plastic Surgeons

OVSPS Conference