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Navigating the 'Plastic' Glass Ceiling: Keys to Unlocking Leadership for Women Plastic Surgeons

Casey Zhang, BA; Yadira Villalvazo, MD, MS; Nerone Douglas, MS; Dzana Katana, PhD; Pooja Humar, BA; Anne Glenney, BA; Baris Bengur, MD; Alexandra Vagonis BA; J. Peter Rubin, MD, MBA; Kacey G. Marra, PhD; Ashley Amalfi, MD; Carolyn De La Cruz, MD
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center

Presenter: Casey Zhang

I certify that the material proposed for presentation in this abstract has not been published in any scientific journal or previously presented at a major meeting. I certify that this work entirely represents the original work of the resident or medical student.

Director Name: Vu Nguyen

Author Category: Medical Student
Presentation Category: Clinical
Abstract Category: General Reconstruction

Women plastic surgeons have attained parity in the specialty, yet positions of leadership remain elusive. Identification of successful pathways may help to navigate this challenging landscape. This study provides keys to unlock this opportunity.

A Qualtrics survey was distributed to members of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) as of 2023. A cohort comprised of respondents identified as women leaders was created. Demographics, training pathways, career trajectory, practice types, current leadership roles and personal motivations and perceptions of successful leadership qualities were recorded and analyzed.

268 survey responses were obtained and analyzed. 116 (43%) were female with 90 (77.6%) self-identified women leaders forming our primary cohort. The majority of women with leadership roles pursued fellowship training (67%) and dedicated time to research (54.5%). Our cohorts' recommended that young plastic surgeons should identify networks (29.6%), seek mentorship (22%), and harness inner drive (15.4%). 52% of current women leaders were inspired by their mentors; 57% had a male mentor.

The landscape of Plastic Surgery requires identification of critical components to successful leadership for women to use as a navigation tool. This study identifies those key aspects leveraged from existing successful female leaders to unlock this pathway.

Ohio,Pennsylvania,West Virginia,Indiana,Kentucky,Pennsylvania American Society of Plastic Surgeons

OVSPS Conference