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A Comparative Analysis of ChatGPT and the American Burn Association Guidelines for Acute Burns First Aid Management and Patient Referral

Sumaarg Pandya, BS; Mario Alessandri Bonetti, MD; Hilary Y Liu, BS; Tiffany Jeong, BA; Jenny A Ziembicki, MD, FACS; Francesco M Egro, MD, MSc, MRCS
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Department of Plastic Surgery

Presenter: Sumaarg Pandya

I agree with the above statement.

Director Name: Dr. Vu T Nguyen

Author Category: Medical Student
Presentation Category: Clinical
Abstract Category: General Reconstruction

Burn injuries require early management and possible referral for optimal outcomes. The American Burn Association (ABA) guidelines have long served as a valuable resource to both healthcare professionals and patients for evidence-based acute burn care guidance. The emergence of artificial intelligence has just recently started being applied to healthcare decision-making and patient education. However, its role in healthcare delivery is still under scrutiny. This study aims to evaluate whether ChatGPT provides safe and accurate medical answers to commonly asked questions regarding acute burn injuries and their management by comparing ChatGPT's responses to those provided by the American Burn Association (ABA).

Twelve questions sourced from the ABA website, addressing burn injuries, their management, and patient referral, were input into ChatGPT. Subsequently, the responses generated by ChatGPT underwent rigorous evaluation by three burn specialists, utilizing the Global Quality Score (GQS). The GQS assigned a score from 1 to 5 to each response, assessing its appropriateness and completeness based on the ABA guidelines.

The average score for ChatGPT-generated responses was 4.56 ± 0.65. This indicates that raters found the answers were good to excellent quality with the most important topics covered and in high concordance with the ABA guidelines.

This study presents an initial comparison of commonly asked burn injury and management questions between ChatGPT-generated responses and the gold standard ABA guidelines. Based on the feedback of three experienced burn specialists, ChatGPT's answers are accurate and in high concordance with the ABA recommendations.

Ohio,Pennsylvania,West Virginia,Indiana,Kentucky,Pennsylvania American Society of Plastic Surgeons

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