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Burn Fellowship Following Plastic Surgery Residency: Identifying Key Candidate Qualities

Christopher J. Fedor, Alexis M. Henderson, Mare G. Kaulakis, Hilary Y. Liu, Jose A. Arellano, Francesco M. Egro
University of Pittsburgh

Presenter: Christopher J. Fedor

I agree.

Director Name: Vu Nguyen

Author Category: Medical Student
Presentation Category: Clinical
Abstract Category: General Reconstruction

While graduating plastic surgery residents have multiple subspecialties to pursue, burn care is often overlooked despite its relevance as a significant public health concern. Recent ACGME changes have reduced exposure to burn care by eliminating mandatory burn surgery rotations in general surgery training. Currently, only ten ABA-Verified Burn Fellowship Training Programs (VBFTPs) exist, with limited standardized metrics outlining desired fellow qualities. This study aims to identify key candidate attributes prioritized by burn fellowship program directors to guide residents pursuing this specialty.

In October 2024, a cross-sectional survey was distributed to burn fellowship program directors and coordinators of 64 ABA-certified burn centers in the U.S. Participants described characteristics of their programs and rated 39 selection criteria on a Likert scale from 1 (unimportant) to 5 (essential).

Data were collected from 10 burn fellowship programs (15.6% response rate). While critical care training was central to the fellowships, emphasis on reconstructive surgery varied across programs. Directors prioritized letters of recommendation from burn surgeons, interview performance, interpersonal skills, commitment to burn surgery, and professionalism (mean scores of 4.5). Least influential factors included visa requirements (mean = 1.5) and prior research fellowships (mean = 1.0). Opinions varied widely regarding the importance of prior personal knowledge of applicants and status as a plastic surgery graduate.

This study highlights key qualities valued by program directors, particularly interpersonal skills and commitment to a career in burn surgery. Findings offer guidance for applicants in preparing for a career in burn care within plastic surgery.

Ohio,Pennsylvania,West Virginia,Indiana,Kentucky,Pennsylvania American Society of Plastic Surgeons

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