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Digital Animation Versus Textbook in Teaching Plastic Surgery Techniques to Novice Learners

Roberto L. Flores, Patrick DeMoss, Carrie Klene, Robert J. Havlik,Kariuki Murage and Sunil Tholpady
Indiana University

Presenter: Kariuki Murage

I certify that the material proposed for presentation in this abstract has not been published in any scientific journal or previously presented at a major meeting. Please make a statement as to how much of the above work represents the original work of the resident.

Director Name: John Coleman

Author Category: Other Specialty Resident
Presentation Category: Basic Science Research
Abstract Category: General Reconstruction

Introduction: We present a prospective, randomized, blinded trial comparing the educational efficacy of digital animation versus a textbook in teaching the Ivy Loop technique to novice learners.

Methods: Medical student volunteers (n=32) were videotaped as they fastened a dental wire around the teeth of a skull model (Pre-intervention analysis) and then randomly assigned to one of two study groups. The Animation group (n=16) were shown a digital animation demonstrating the Ivy Loop surgical technique. The Text group (n=16) were given a textbook demonstrating the Ivy Loop technique. Volunteers were then videotaped again as they performed the Ivy Loop technique on a skull model (Post-intervention analysis). Volunteers were then shown the educational material provided to the study group to which they were not assigned and given a validated educational survey to compare the educational value of the textbook and animation.

The pre-intervention and post-intervention video recordings were graded in a blinded fashion by two craniofacial surgeons using previously validated surgical assessment tool. Educational survey scores were compared between the two groups. Statistical analysis was performed using a Student's t-test.

Results: The pre-intervention analysis performance scores did not significantly differ between the two groups. Post-intervention analysis demonstrated significantly lower performance scores in the Text group compared to the Animation group (13.0 [3.5] vs. 18.8 [2.9]; p<0.001). The educational survey results demonstrated significantly lower scores in the Text group compared to the Animation group.

Conclusions: Digital animation may be a more effective than a textbook to learn the Ivy Loop technique.

Ohio,Pennsylvania,West Virginia,Indiana,Kentucky,Pennsylvania American Society of Plastic Surgeons

OVSPS Conference