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Amniotic Band Syndrome of the Neck: A Case Report

Nathaniel Roberson MD
University of Cincinnati

Presenter: Nathaniel Roberson

All of the work submitted in this abstract was the work of the above resident.

Director Name: Ann Schwentker

Author Category: Resident Plastic Surgery
Presentation Category: Clinical
Abstract Category: General Reconstruction

Introduction: Amniotic band syndrome is a common problem that is present in 1 in 1000 to 1 in 15000 live births. It thought to be caused by early rupture of the amnion leading to bands that adhere to or wrap-around the fetus. These bands then lead to constriction and vascular disruption to developing limbs or organs resulting in malformation or deformation. Amniotic bands are most often associated with limb abnormalities and are not commonly reported to affect the head and neck likely due to incompatibility with life. We report an atypical pediatric case of deep circumferential bands of the neck consistent with amniotic band syndrome.

Patient findings: 16-year-old female with two circumferential bands of the neck present since birth associated with intervening fatty hypertrophy. The bands are located at the level of the thyroid cartilage and the base of the neck. There is mild limitation to neck range-of-motion present.

Diagnosis/Interventions/Outcome: MRI of the neck obtained with evidence of deep neck bands (up to 3 cm deep) without deeper anatomical abnormalities. Patient underwent successful correction of the neck deformity in a staged-surgical fashion with circumferential neck liposuction of the hypertrophied fat pad and fat grafting to the neck bands followed by excision of anterior neck band and excisional debulking of pre-platysmal fat.

Conclusion: Amniotic band syndrome of the neck is a rarely reported clinical presentation that may present with functional and/or aesthetic sequelae that can be adequately corrected with a combination of liposuction, fat grafting, and direct excision.

Ohio,Pennsylvania,West Virginia,Indiana,Kentucky,Pennsylvania American Society of Plastic Surgeons

OVSPS Conference