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Composite Osseomusculocutaneous Sternum, Ribs, Thymus, Pectoralis Muscle, And Skin Allotransplantation Model Of Bone Marrow Transplantation

Mehmet Bozkurt, Fatih Zor, Alexandra Klimczak, Maria Siemionow
Cleveland Clinic, Plastic Surgery

Presenter: Mehmet Bozkurt

I certify that the material proposed for presentation in this abstract has not been published in any scientific journal or previously presented at a major meeting. The above work represents the overall original work of the resident.

Director Name: Maria Siemionow

Author Category: Chief Resident Plastic Surgery
Presentation Category: Basic Science Research
Abstract Category: General Reconstruction

How does this presentation meet the established conference educational objectives?
Participants will address allotransplantation models, transplantation immunology and immunotherapy strategies to achieve donor specific tolerance.

How will your presentation be used by practicing physicians in the audience?
This experimental study is part of the immunological allotransplantation studies. The audience will be informed about this new model which can be used in further studies.

Cellular and vascularized bone marrow cells have been used to induce donor-specific chimerism in various models of composite tissue allotransplantation. Although thymus transplantation has been reported in the literature, the effect of thymus transplantation on chimerism levels in vascularized bone containing composite tissue allotransplantation.
In this study a new method for composite vascularized sternal bone marrow transplant model is descried that can be applied to augment chimerism after transplantation.
A total of seven composite osseomusculocutaneous sternum, ribs, thymus, pectoralis muscles, transplantations were performed in two groups. The first group (n=5) was designed as an allotransplantation group and the second group (n=2) was designed as an isotransplantation group. Composite osseomusculocutaneous sternum, ribs, thymus, pectoralis muscle allografts were harvested on the common carotid artery and external jugular vein and a heterotopic transplantation was performed to the inguinal region of the recipient rat. Cyclosporine A monotherapy was administered in order to prevent acute and chronic allograft rejection.
Assessment of bone marrow cells within sternum bone component and Flow cytometry analysis of donor-specific chimerism in the peripheral blood of recipients were evaluated.
Our results showed that this composite allograft carried 7,5 x 106 of viable hematopoietic cells within the sternum component. At day 7 post-transplant chimerism was developed in T-cell population and mean level was assessed at 2,65% for RT1n/CD4 and at 1,0% for RT1n/CD8.
In this study, a new osseomusculocutaneous sternum, ribs, thymus, pectoralis muscle allotransplantation model is reported which can be used to augment hematopoietic activity for chimerism induction after transplantation.

Ohio,Pennsylvania,West Virginia,Indiana,Kentucky,Pennsylvania American Society of Plastic Surgeons

OVSPS Conference