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Adipose Stem Cells and Adipose Stem Cell Conditioned Media Exhibit Similar Activity in a Porcine Model of Excisional Wound Healing

Grybowski D, Schusterman MA, Kim D, March KL, Johnstone B, James IB, Venkatesh KP, Kokai L, Marra KG, Rubin JP.
University of Pittsburgh

Presenter: Damian Grybowski

All of the presented work is the original work of the first author.

Director Name: Rubin JP

Author Category: Medical Student
Presentation Category: Basic Science Research
Abstract Category: General Reconstruction

Adipose Stem Cells and Adipose Stem Cell Conditioned Media Exhibit Similar Activity in a Porcine Model of Excisional Wound Healing

Grybowski D, Schusterman MA, Kim D, March KL, Johnstone B, James IB, Venkatesh KP, Kokai L, Marra KG, Rubin JP.

Department of Plastic Surgery, University of Pittsburgh
Indiana Center for Vascular Biology & Medicine, Indiana University

Multiple therapies aim to improve the wound healing process. Cell therapy has many limitations, including immunogenicity of allogenic cells and arduous storage and handling requirements. ASC Conditioned Medium is more versatile in administration and handling, and potentially possess healing properties of ASC.
Eight excisional wounds with diameters of 4 cm were created on the back of a female Yorkshire pig. Wounds were treated with injections as follows: 3 with 3ml of ASC Conditioned Medium, 3 with allogenic ASC and 2 with Saline. Wound tracing and standardized photography was done 3 times a week. At post-operative day 15, the pig was sacrificed and wounds were excised for histology. CD31, Elastin and Collagen 1 staining was performed.

ASC Conditioned Medium increases wound epithelialization at day 4 and day 7 (p<0.05). Adipose Stem Cells showed increased wound epithelialization at day 7 and decreased scar thickness compared to the Controls (p<0.05). CD31, Elastin and Collagen 1 staining did not show any differences between the groups.

ASC Conditioned Medium represents an exciting potential substitute for current treatments in wound healing, and increases wound epithelialization compared to control wounds at post-operative day 4 and 7.

Ohio,Pennsylvania,West Virginia,Indiana,Kentucky,Pennsylvania American Society of Plastic Surgeons

OVSPS Conference