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Surface Anatomy of the Muscular Abdomen Variations
Eric Pittelkow, MD, Baotram Tran, MD, WIll DeBrock, BS, On Ying Liu, MD, Rajiv Sood, MD, Sidhbh Gallagher, MD
Indiana University Plastic Surgery
Presenter: eric pittelkow
Eric Pittelkow contributed 50% of the work submitted in this abstract
Director Name: .
Author Category: Resident Plastic Surgery
Presentation Category: Clinical
Abstract Category: Aesthetics
Introduction: The aesthetic muscular abdomen is highly desired by both men and women. Despite its importance in aesthetics, there are few studies identifying the ideal features and measurements.
Methods: Thirty two male and 41 female body builders were recruited. Abdomens were first categorized into rectus muscle tendinous intersection (TI) configuration (symmetric, stair step, chevron). Pictures of each TI configuration were sent in a survey asking respondents to rank most to least aesthetically appealing abdomens.
Results: Black male participants had a mean Age of 31.6, and BMI of 25.3. TI's from this cohort demonstrated 69% symmetric, 15% stair stepped, and 15% chevron. White males had a mean age of 32, and BMI of 25.8. Their TI's demonstrated 53% symmetric, 32% stair stepped, and 15% chevron. Of female participants, there were 32 white females, and 6 black females. Black females had a mean age of 35, and BMI of 21.5. TI configurations were 50% symmetric, 33% stair stepped, and 17% chevron. White females had a mean age of 32, and BMI of 21. TI configurations were 72% symmetric, 13% stair stepped, and 15% chevron. From the survey, the most aesthetically appealing abdomens had symmetric TI configurations.
Conclusion: Symmetric TI configuration was the most common for all cohorts, and aesthetically appealing. Each cohort seemed to demonstrate roughly the same percentage of the chevron configuration (15-17%). The greatest variation in tendinous intersection configuration was observed with stair stepping (13-33%). For reconstructive and aesthetic purposes, It's important to understand variations in abdominal surface anatomy.