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Regeneration of Autologous, Functional, Full Thickness Skin with Minimal Donor Site Contribution using SkinTE

Kelsey Isbester, BS, Corinne Wee, MD, Nikolai Sopko, MD, PHD, Anand Kumar, MD
University Hospitals: Cleveland Medical Center

Presenter: Kelsey Isbester

The majority of this project is the unique work of the resident and student involved.

Director Name: Anand Kumar

Author Category: Medical Student
Presentation Category: Clinical
Abstract Category: General Reconstruction

Identifying adequate skin donor sites can be difficult in cases of extensive burn or trauma. Furthermore, large donor sites are often associated with significant pain and poor cosmetic outcomes. Various skin substitutes and technologies have been engineered over the recent years; however, each lack functional or cosmetic characteristics when compared to traditional autografts. Polarity SkinTE is a novel technology that regenerates full-thickness skin from a smaller tissue biopsy and provides a new solution for challenging cases of soft tissue loss.

This case series demonstrates the use of Polarity SkinTE in two pediatric patients. Both patients have demonstrated excellent skin graft take post-operatively without complications. The first patient is a 10-year-old female who developed a surgical site infection after an orthopaedic procedure. Debridement resulted in soft tissue loss which required two muscular flaps for coverage of the prosthetic joint. SkinTE achieved full skin coverage of the flaps. The second patient is an 18-year-old female with a traumatic degloving injury to her left dorsal foot and knee; SkinTE was applied. Both sites healed successfully and hair growth was observed in the area of skin grafting over her knee.

These cases describe the successful use of SkinTE to regenerate full thickness skin coverage in pediatric patients. By maintaining functional polarity, SkinTE not only provides coverage with minimal donor site morbidity but also has the added benefit of gland and hair regeneration. Further use and study of this novel product may present new solutions to patients suffering extensive soft tissue loss.

Ohio,Pennsylvania,West Virginia,Indiana,Kentucky,Pennsylvania American Society of Plastic Surgeons

OVSPS Conference