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Please complete the following form to apply for membership with the OVSPS. Required fields are marked with *.
Select membership application status: Candidate Membership (Not yet board certified) Active Membership (Board Certified by the ABPS)
First Name * Middle Initial Last Name * Place of Birth Date of Birth (yyyy-mm-dd format) Spouse's Name
Please include a recent photo approximately 2½ in. x 3½ in., in JPEG format (file extension .jpg). Click the browse button below to locate the photo on your computer. When you submit this form the photo will be included in your application.
Are you seeking Emeritus status (retired from practice or age 65 years or older)? Yes No
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Street Street 2 City State Alaska Alabama Arkansas Arizona California Colorado Connecticut District Of Columbia Delaware Florida Georgia Guam Hawaii Iowa Idaho Illinois Indiana Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Massachusetts Maryland Maine Michigan Minnesota Missouri Mississippi Montana North Carolina North Dakota Nebraska New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico Nevada New York Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Puerto Rico Palau Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Virginia Vermont Washington Wisconsin West Virginia Wyoming Zip Code Phone
Honors, Awards, Research, Grants:
Academic Appointments:
Hospital Affiliations:
Professional Society Memberships:
Has membership in any medical society ever been denied, suspended, or revoked? Yes No
Have Hospital privileges ever been denied, suspended, or revoked? Yes No
Has your license to practice medicine ever been denied, suspended, or revoked? Yes No
Are you currently under investigation by the ethics or judiciary committee of any medical Society? Yes No
If you answered yes to any of the above questions, please provide additional explanation below.
References of two active OVSPS members are required. Please ask each to send a letter of recommendation on your behalf to the Secretary-Treasurer.
Reference 1 *
Reference 2 *
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